Super sleuth Edward Carnby has returned for One Eyed Jack's Revenge, the second installment in the Alone in the Dark series. Unlike the original, where he solved the mysteries of a haunted mansion, Carnby battles pirates on the island of Hell's Kitchen to rescue a little girl and put an end to the fearless pirate leader, One Eyed Jack, once and for all.lOne-eyed Jack normally dabbled in a bit of smuggling but this time he has gone too far as the kidnapping of an innocent little girl brings Edward Carnby 'the supernatural detective' onto the scene.
Genre: | Action |
Release Month: | 11 |
Release Year: | 1996 |
Developer: | I-Motion |
Publisher: | Infogrames |
Serial: | SLUS-00239 |
Size: | 0 |
CRC32: | 0 |